
Plenary lecturers

Dr. Chris Hawes

Dr. Chris Hawes is a lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at Keele University in the United Kingdom. His research interests are in the field of structural coordination chemistry with a focus on functional ligand design in Metal-Organic Frameworks and discrete supramolecular species, for applications in gas separation and fluorescent sensors. He also serves on the editorial advisory boards for CrystEngComm and the Journal of Coordination Chemistry.

Dr. Volker Kahlenberg

Dr. Volker Kahlenberg is professor for Technical Mineralogy and Crystallography at Innsbruck University, Austria. His research focuses on applied and structural aspects of inorganic high-temperature materials, including in-situ diffraction studies, phase transitions, polymorphism/polytypism, and modulated structures. From 2017 until 2023 he served as a member of the Commission on Inorganic and Mineral Structures of the International Union of Crystallography.

Prof. Dr. Franc Perdih

Dr. Franc Perdih is Full Professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Prof. Dr. Franc Perdih research interests are vanadium and zinc coordination compounds with potential antidiabetic action in connection with solid-state and solution-state structures. Furthermore, his research activities are devoted also to supramolecular chemistry and crystal architecture of organic and coordination compounds with a focus to the influence of weak non-covalent interactions. He is Editor-in-Chief of Acta Chimica Slovenica and member of editorial boards of Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, Symmetry, Journal of Chemistry and Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

Dr. Tibor Tóth-Katona

Dr. Tibor Tóth-Katona is Senior Research Fellow at Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Budapest, Hungary. Research interest of Dr. Tibor Tóth-Katona concerns thermotropic liquid crystals, primarily non-equilibrium pattern forming systems (such as, first order phase transitions, viscous fingering, electro-hydrodynamic convection), liquid crystal polymers and elastomers, liquid crystal–polymer interface, suspensions of liquid crystals (ferronematics), and photochromic liquid crystals. He is an editorial board member for Polymers and Frontiers in Soft Matter journals. 

Dr. Matic Lozinšek

Asst. Prof. Matic Lozinšek is a senior research associate at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a co-founder of the Extreme Conditions Chemistry Lab. His main research interests encompass synthetic inorganic fluorine chemistry, noble-gas compounds, X-ray crystallography, high-pressure experiments in diamond anvil cells, and fluorinated materials for energy storage. He was awarded the European Research Council Starting Grant.

Dr. Irina Konovalova

Dr. Irina Konovalova is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Single Crystals, Kharkiv, Ukraine and as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Heinrich-Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany. Her main research interests are weak intermolecular interactions including non-conventional hydrogen and σ-hole bonds, stacking, interactions of anions with π-systems. In general, she investigates supramolecular architecture and polymorphism of organic compounds. Dr. Konovalova combines experimental X-ray diffraction data and quantum-chemical calculations to obtain a systematic fundamental knowledge about features of various types of intermolecular interactions including weak ones and predict the supramolecular architecture of a crystal.

Invited Plenary lecturers

Dr Chris Hawes,
Keele University, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences,
Keele, United Kingdom

Dr Volker Kahlenberg,
University of Innsbruck, Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography,
Innsbruck, Austria

Dr Franc Perdih,
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr Tibor Toth Katona,
Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Budapest, Hungary

List of invited plenary lecturers

Dr. Biljana Krüge
Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography,
University of Innsbruck,

Dr. Janez Zavašnik
Jožef Stefan Institute,

Dr. Zvonko Jagličić

Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering & Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics,
University of Ljubljana,

Dr. Igor Đerđ
Faculty of Josip Juraj Strossmayer,
University of Osijek,

Dr. Lidija Radovanović
Innovation Centre of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy,
University of Belgrade,

Oral presentations 

Oral presentations time is limited to 10 min + 5 min for discussion.

Poster presentations 

Poster dimensions should not exceed 70 x 100 cm. All posters should be displayed from June 14th  13:00 to June 15th 18:00.


“The Best Oral Presentation” and “The Best Poster Presentation” prizes will be awarded at the Conference closing session.

Social activities

On Wednesday afternoon, June 14th, an excursion by bus to the monastery Blagoveštenje will be organized, along with a hiking tour (ca. 1 h) to Kablar Mountain’s high peak.

On Thursday evening, June 15th, SCS will organize a Conference dinner at „Car Lazar“ restaurant.  The price of the excursion and gala dinner is included in the regular registration fee, as well as the extended registration fee.

New information about 2019 Conference of the SCS are expected soon. Stay tuned.

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