Regular Registration Fee
The Regular Registration Fee is 60 €. The registration fee for PhD students is 50 €. Pre-invoice request could be submitted online through the form below. It is mandatory to inscribe the pre-invoice number as the payment reference number. The registration fee cannot be paid at the Conference. All the participants should pay the registration fee, regardless of the presentations number. Registration fee includes:
- Access to all Conference Sessions
- Conference Kit
- Welcome Cocktail
- Coffee Breaks
- Conference Dinner
- Excursion
The deadline for the payment is May 26, 2024.
Extended Registration Fee
The organizers have made a pre-reservation of accommodation at the “Borkovac” Hotel in Ruma. To provide conference participants with accommodation at preferential rates, the organizers have enabled payment for hotel accommodation through the Serbian Crystallographic Society in the form of an extended fee (Table 1). Accommodation for accompanying persons at the “Borkovac” hotel at preferential rates is also facilitated through the Serbian Crystallographic Society (Table 2).
The hotel accommodation includes single rooms (with a double bed), double rooms (with a double bed and a single bed), and triple rooms (with a double bed and two single beds). Organizers will reserve the desired room type based on currently available capacities. If participants and accompanying persons wish to book accommodation independently or through an agency, rather than through the Serbian Crystallographic Society by selecting the extended fee option, then the organizers cannot guarantee accommodation at preferential rates!
Table 1. Models of Extended Fees for Conference Participants
Table 2. Extended Accommodation Models for Accompanying Persons at the Conference

The request for an Pro-forma invoice for the extended conference fee (for participants and accompanying persons) should be submitted no later than May 12, 2024. Each participant must submit their request individually. The deadline for payment of the fee is May 26, 2024. When making the payment, be sure to include the invoice number as the reference number.
If conference participants and accompanying individuals wish to reserve accommodation independently or through an agency at the Borkovac Hotel, rather than through the Serbian Crystallographic Society by selecting the extended fee option, the organizers cannot guarantee accommodation at discounted rates! The organizers have made preliminary reservations for all rooms, so the option to reserve accommodation at the Borkovac Hotel at economic rates through the individual organization by participants will only be available after May 15, 2024.
Conference participants and accompanying individuals who wish to reserve accommodation independently have many hotels, hostels, and apartments available near the Borkovac Hotel, where the Conference will take place.